Happy New Year, almost. As a last {last for this year – websites are never finished} touch to my website refurbish, I’m including posts that chat about Pictures, Branding & how to tell your Brand Story.
It seems odd that someone {me} who relies so heavily on photographs & graphics to tell a story or bring forward a feeling, a yearning all by themselves, would now start writing a blog & chat about it all. But you have perhaps other things to focus on :: your farm or vineyard, your art pieces, your food & beverage-crafting. And so these notes may lend clarity to what you offer & how you do it.
But first maybe it is time to reflect on your Why – why you dig deeply into what you produce, what gets you out of bed in the early hours, how you fight discouragement.
A simple exercise {well, maybe not so simple} may be to write down or explain aloud, as if to a child, why you are invested in your chosen work & what you bring to the world. This may strengthen your purpose, or you might find some things in it that aren’t current – that you’re holding onto for legacy’s sake – & you may be inspired to make some changes, some edits to your offering.
But for now, let’s welcome a new year, give thanks & renew purpose. And try a cocktail to celebrate all that.

Pay tribute to 007 by mixing up his signature Vesper cocktail. The drink first appeared in Ian Fleming’s 1953 novel Casino Royale when Bond asked for “Three measures of Gordon’s, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?” (courtesy Simon Ford,
Add all the ingredients to a mixing glass and fill with ice.
Stir, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Twist a slice of lemon peel over the drink, rub along the rim of the glass and drop it in.
If you’d like to subscribe to not-more-than-monthly posts sent to your inbox, please send me a note. I’ll be covering lots of things to give your brand dimension & a visual voice. And probably recipes as I come across some good ones.
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