The services I offer at Grace Studio are intended to make you shine. Every task is crafted with an artisan eye, a careful hand & a brand consistency so your style is prominent & memorable, no matter the media.

Each of the services below starts with a Media Kit you can order, to see how I work & approach each type of task. If you feel my style fits with yours, you can then order a proposal that will be crafted to address your unique needs.


A picture is worth a thousand first impressions. What do your photos make someone remember?
Let’s fix that.

Lifestyle, process, environmental & product photos bring your viewer right into your livingroom. They give a visual flavor to how you approach your work, the pride you take in your product.

Photo shoots can be ordered  with a month’s lead time, & the timeframe to deliver images is 1-2 weeks.

I shoot product in the studio or on location, but do 99% of my lifestyle/editorial shooting on location. It just feels more authentic to me to capture these types of photos in their native element.

When the location shoot is reserved, we’ll make a ‘shot list’, detailing all the areas & products we want to cover in your morning or afternoon session. 50 photos will be edited, saved in web & print resolution & uploaded to Dropbox for review. When payment is final, the images are released to you to download.

The on-location day rate is $1200 & includes editing. {You may share this day rate with a neighbor if they are located within 3 miles of you.} Product photography starts at $40 per product or product arrangement depending on styling. Product is not usually returned unless you would like to make preparations for return shipping.

Every project is unique. Let’s talk about your needs so I can provide a customized quote for photos that communicate your brand & reach out to your most likely buyers.

Write Tari About Your Project
(include your phone number & a good time of day to reach you)


Print design is novel because it allows someone to hold your brand in their hands. The item, the paper, the layout, the visuals – all make for a memorable brand experience.

Design encompasses every form of media that can be experienced by the five senses – even sound can be designed! Your work with me may be a logo or product logo, it might be a folder or catalogue, or it could be a unique packaging item.

Print design starts at $60 per hour. Most projects include three rounds of changes & are custom quoted. Grace Studio is known for designing print pieces that do the duty of more than one use.

Good design cannot be rushed, but good design can stand the test of time. It’s important to understand the communication & decision-making that goes into the design process, & the timeframe for making it happen.  The Design Kit spells out the design process that gives a solid understanding of how a design comes together.

Let’s discuss ideas.
Order the Design Kit

Brand Photography

If you could only represent your brand visually, what would you show?

Photography is a tool that brings your brand into sharp focus, makes it alive & three-dimensional. Photography may illustrate a product, but it also embodies other facets of a brand: identity, image, culture & personality, & makes that brand memorable in the minds of your most likely buyers.

This type of photography is a longer planning process than the photography mentioned above. While a photo shoot may indeed capture facets of a brand in addition to other lifestyle images, brand photography strategically plans a visual message that evokes the brand essence and ensures it communicates consistently across all media platforms. To better understand the planning process to produce images that show your business ‘brand-first’ & how you will participate in the process, order the Brand Photography Kit.

Branding Workshop


Let’s bring all the tools to the table – your ideas for branding your business & my expertise at drawing them together – to make a brand you can weave into your work to make it memorable & alive.

The concept of branding dates back more than 7,000 years, when brands were symbols used by artisans in Asia, Europe, & Mesopotamia to differentiate their work. It included the practice of putting a symbol on livestock to show ownership – a practice that is legally required to this day.

When we think of ‘brand’ with regard to a business or artisan effort, it reflects a series of things (ethos, voice, vibe, slogan, symbol, positioning, etc.) that are defined to “show ownership” of a brand & its essence.

I have conducted numerous branding workshops in a group setting, but now offer them to just one company at a time – it’s pretty personal stuff!

A branding (or re-branding) exercise is a combined effort between key members of your business & myself.  I work with you to dig deep into the ‘why’ of your practice, defining its essence & what it stands for.

It’s a good bit of hands-on, interactive work, and when it’s complete will enable you to express brand elements in all areas of your enterprise – from advertising to market positioning to employee decorum – to stand out in the marketplace & differentiate your business from others.

To see the work is involved & what you will get for our effort, order a Branding Kit that will detail the process, a suggested timeframe, & give you a clear understanding of the investment needed.

Visual design is a delicious bunch of goodness & we’ll be working closely together.

Let’s see if we’re a good fit.

you are deeply invested in the success of your business

you have a deep appreciation for design
& want your materials to be intuitive

you get the whole branding thing
or will invest to make it part of your toolkit

you know what you know & what you don’t know,
when to speak & when to listen

you try very hard to make timely decisions
so the work can progress

your finances are in order for this project
so the work can progress